Trans-Nzoia District

Trans-Nzoia District is an administrative district of Rift Valley Province, Kenya.

It is located between the Nzoia River and Mount Elgon and its centre is the town of Kitale.

Historically the area has been inhabited by the Kalenjin people. After independence many of the farms vacated by white settlers were bought by individuals from other ethnic groups in Kenya.

The district has three constituencies:

Local authorities (councils)
Authority Type Population* Urban pop.*
Kitale Municipality 86,055 63,245
Nzoia County 489,607 0
Total - 575,662 63,245
* 1999 census. Source: [1]
Administrative divisions
Division Population* Urban pop.* Headquarters
Central 147,992 42,884 Kitale
Cherangany 52,974 0 Cherangani
Endebess 61,481 0 Endebess
Kaplamai 89,858 0
Kiminini 64,685 0 Kiminini
Kwanza 88,727 0 Kwanza
Saboti 69,945 0 Saboti
Total 575,662 42,884 -
* 1999 census. Sources: [2], [3],